Monday, 25 November 2013



It’s more than four months and we are still sitting silently in this dungeon, like a patient waiting helplessly for the sharp blade of the knife of the surgeon. We have been help against our will, as captives of a decayed academic structure.

       What is rightfully ours have been forcefully taken from us. We have been denied our mental food; our limbs are now too weak to fight back.

       The infamous Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) is gradually digging the foundation of our future (education), and has left us in the bitter experience of psychosomatic trauma. In a bid to salvage the academic structure, they are gradually unearthing the foundation of those structures.

       Our education sector is now a victim of the whims and caprice of politics. This strike is a typical solecism of our lettered professors. Their much vaunted academic prowess has been put to question, following their recent actions.

       We have heard and received a lot of canards with regards to the strike. But the truth is that we are not going back to school anytime soon. the last NEC meeting held on Saturday 23rd November 2013, was just another of those meeting held, merely to waste time and to fulfill all righteousness, as no conclusions were reached. While 60% of the academic gurus agitated for a call off, the rest were praying for a probe into the death of their colleague who they claimed was assassinated, and so the strike can go on.

       It is our belief that one day we shall be free from the mental torture and inhumane treatment meted on us by our captors (ASUU). This is a battle for our right and we must fight to any height.

Yours Sincerely
Augustus C.

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